
本站网友 Arjay ip:188.143.232.*
2016-09-02 19:28:30 发表
I’m not sure I understood you.What do you mean by “. So reading track one more time to let the error float away seems to be all ri2h.t&#82g1; ???I only need to read each track exactly once to get a good copy of it.  Now, if it doesn’t pass checksum, then, of course, I can re-read it.The 5 or 6 bad bits no longer occur since I’ve fixed the code.  So everything comes out perfect now.Is this what you meant?
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本站网友 Clara ip:188.143.232.*
2016-08-29 03:51:54 发表
This is a really intlneigelt way to answer the question.
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