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本站网友 Cindy ip:188.143.232.*
2016-09-02 09:58:18 发表
10-12-11ania spune:  incearca te rog pasii urameori:preferencts -> video-> deselecteaza checkboxul optiunii black screens blablanu sunt sigura daca apare la fel si in versiunea ta dar merita incercat  +4
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本站网友 Jorja ip:188.143.232.*
2016-08-28 18:32:56 发表
All of these manicures are so ingiirpns! It’s incredible to see what people can come up with when they put their mind to it.   Thanks for compiling all these great looks into a single post, Karen. It was fun to check them all out.Swatch And Learn recently posted …
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